Aims: To determine the effectiveness of the selected dripper spacing and dripper discharge rate on crop growth and yield parameters of rice crop and to determine the suitable variety and crop geometry for higher productivity and use efficiency of drip irrigations system.
Study design: Experiment was conducted in strip plot design, method of establishment as main plot treatment viz., Direct seeded under raised bed (M1) and Transplanting under raised bed, varieties as sub-plot treatment viz., ‘ADT 54’, ‘TKM 13’ and‘ CR 1009 sub-1’(medium and long duration variety)and spacing as sub- sub-plot treatment viz., 20 x 10 cm , 20 x 20 cm , 25 x 25 cm and 20 x 40 x 10 cm (Paired row) .
Place and duration of the study: Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu during 2019-2021(two years) in sandy clay loam soil during Samba season
Methodology: The growth and yield parameters viz., plant height, number of tillers and productivity tillers, number of filled grains, test weight and grain and straw yield was observed and economics on cost of cultivation, gross return, net return and BCR were calculated and water use efficiency and water productivity were calculated.
Results: Studies showed that 90 cm lateral and 60 cm dripper spacing with 4lph is the optimum for rice cultivation under sandy clay loam soil. Combination of direct seeded rice in raised bed with medium duration variety ‘TKM 13’ in the spacing of 20x40x10 cm(paired row)was recorded higher grain yield(7075 kg/ha) and net return(Rs. 82526/ha), BCR (2.76 )and higher water use efficiency (7.69 kg./ha-mm) in drip irrigated paddy cultivation during Samba season.
Conclusion: Direct seeding in raised bed with medium duration variety at the spacing of 20x40x10 cm along with other agronomic practices is the best for getting higher yield parameters, yield, net return, higher water use efficiency and water productivity in Samba (Rabi) season under drip irrigated rice cultivation.