The excavation of the Shomyoji shell midden in 2017 recovered more than 26 human skeletal remains belonging to the Jomon, Kofun, and Heian periods. In this paper, we describe one Heianperiod (AD 794-1185) individual (SK1), who was dated to 957-900 calBP by radiocarbon dating. SK1 is well preserved, presumably a male, and aged approximately 20-35 years. The morphology of the cranium and teeth are not similar to that seen in the Kanto Jomon and Kamakura populations; it is closer to that of Yayoi immigrants from northern Kyusyu. SK1 has a severe lesion around the hip joint, and the left innominate bone and femur are atrophied. From this lesion, we can presume that SK1 had suffered from a hip joint disease such as tuberculous arthritis of the hip.