“…1). Among them are the cytoplasmic RNP assemblies -stress granules (SGs) (Kedersha et al, 1999), processing bodies (PBs) (Eulalio et al, 2007a;Jain and Parker, 2013), GW-bodies (Eulalio et al, 2009;Stoecklin and Kedersha, 2013), germline P-granules (also known as P-bodies) (Brangwynne et al, 2009;Voronina et al, 2011), neuronal granules (Buchan, 2014), mitochondrial RNA granules (MRGs) (Antonicka and Shoubridge, 2015), as well as the nuclear RNP assemblies -nucleoli (Brangwynne et al, 2011;Mahboubi and Stochaj, 2014), nuclear pores (Frey et al, 2006), Cajal bodies (CBs) (Machyna et al, 2013;Staneǩ and Neugebauer, 2006), promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies, histone locus body (Nizami et al, 2010), splicing speckles, other nuclear speckles and paraspeckles (Fox and Lamond, 2010;Knott et al, 2016;Shevtsov and Dundr, 2011).…”