Three distinct editosomes are required for the uridine insertion/deletion editing that creates translatable mitochondrial mRNAs in Trypanosoma brucei. They contain KREPB6, KREPB7, or KREPB8 proteins and their respective endonucleases KREN3, KREN2, or KREN1. RNAi knockdowns of KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8 variably affect growth and RNA editing. KREPB6 and KREPB7 knockdowns substantially reduced in vitro insertion site cleavage activity of their respective editosomes, while KREPB8 knockdown did not affect its editosome deletion site cleavage activity despite inhibition of growth and editing. KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8 knockdowns disrupted tagged KREN3, KREN2, or KREN1 editosomes, respectively, to varying degrees, and in the case of KREN1 editosomes, the deletion editing site cleavage activity shifted to a smaller S value. The varying effects correlate with a combination of the relative abundances of the KREPB6-8 proteins and of the different insertion and deletion sites. Tagged KREPB6-8 were physically associated with deletion subcomplexes upon knockdown of the centrally interactive KREPA3 protein, while KREN1-3 endonucleases were associated with insertion subcomplexes. The results indicate that KREPB6-8 occupy similar positions in editosomes and are important for the activity and specificity of their respective endonucleases. This suggests that they contribute to the accurate recognition of the numerous similar but diverse editing site substrates.