Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade has been extensively studied in plants. Recently, this important network has been implicated in imparting submergence tolerance by facilitating the phosphorylation of the SUB1A1 protein. In this study, we try to examine the speculative role of MAPK cascade components in another rice mega-variety Pusa Basmati 1. The study reports that potential MAPK cascade components are triggered by submergence stress. Overall, the results provide a brief understanding of activation of MAPK cascade components post submergence stress in a rice variety, which does not harbor the SUB1A1, and in turn, succumbs to prolonged submergence stress.
KEYWORDSMAPK; submergence; Pusa Basmati1; rice Pusa Basmati 1 is a characteristic aromatic, long-slender grained rice cultivar grown in the foothills of Himalayas in the Indian sub-continent. According to the 2014-2015 survey conducted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, India is the leading exporter of the 'Basmati Rice' to the global market. The agro-climatic changes by global warming are major concern for the yield of this economically important rice cultivar. Incidence of flash flooding has emerged as a major challenge to farmers cultivating this aromatic rice grain. These rice cultivars are adapted to thrive in standing water but at the same time are prone to flash flooding and complete submergence. In rice, in general, various submergence directed physiological and molecular studies have identified, 2 submergence survival schemes firstly, the low-oxygen quiescence strategy (LOQS), which is typical of lowland rice varieties and on a whole, is characterized by a general constraint of growth due to cellular metabolism deficit. This characteristic strategy is displayed by plant species that recurrently endure deep floods. The second strategy is designated as the low-oxygen escape strategy (LOES), which is typical to upland rice cultivars and is categorized by rapid elongation of below water plant tissues especially, stems or leaves. This rapid growth enables the photosynthesizing tissues to outgrow shallow floodwaters and reach the air. LOES is predominantly governed by SNORKEL1/2 (SK1 and SK2), which are tandem ethyleneresponsive factor (ERF) genes. 1 On the contrary, LOQS involves stress-induced repression of carbohydrate resource consumption, in conjunction with plant growth inhibition. This quiescent strategy is majorly governed by the SUB1A gene of the SUBMERGENCE1 (SUB1) QTL. 2 The identification of the SUB1 QTL was a major landmark for plant breeders, which enabled the transfer of this quintessential locus by marker-assisted backcrossing strategy into the farmer-preferred mega-varieties. 3 Pusa Basmati 1 mega-variety is intolerant to complete inundation. Submergence leads to detrimental effects particularly during the vegetative stage. Flooding substantially decreases the number of panicles, the number of grains per panicle and grainfilling proportion. This also leads to delayed flowering and ...