PLATE XVIIT is still technically difficult to distinguish some strains of Clostridium oedematiens (C. novyi) of types B and D (Rutter and Collee, 1969). Type-A strains of C. oedematiens produce a haemolytic lecithinase (the $oxin) which is distinct from the haemolytic lecithinase (@-toxin) produced by type-B and type-D strains. As type-D strains are known to produce more of the /?-toxin lecithinase than type-B strains, it was hoped to determine ranges of this lecithinase activity, here referred to as p-lecithinase, that would discriminate between the two types. In the course of studies on the lysogeny of clostridia (Kiritani et al., 1973; Shimamura et al., 1974), we found that type-D strains differed from type-B strains of C. oedematiens in their susceptibility t Q mitomycin C (MC). This was investigated further in the present study with a view to differentiating type-B and type-D strains. Since treatment of bacteria in the lysogenic state by MC induces multiplication of phage, and since lysogeny is sometimes related to bacterial toxigenicity, we also examined strains of C. oedematiens of types B and D in parallel for susceptibility to MC and for production of the /?-lecithinase.
MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains C. oedematiens type A . Toxigenic strains 77101, 77103, 37101, 37106, and 37110 and non-toxigenic strains 3-1 103,3-1105,3-1111, and 3-1 112 are stock strains isolated from soil by one of the authors in 1963 and typed by Nishida and Nakagawara (1964).