Mismatch repair (MMR) proteins actively inhibit recombination between diverged sequences in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Although the molecular basis of the antirecombination activity exerted by MMR proteins is unclear, it presumably involves the recognition of mismatches present in heteroduplex recombination intermediates. This recognition could be exerted during the initial stage of strand exchange, during the extension of heteroduplex DNA, or during the resolution of recombination intermediates. We previously used an assay system based on 350-bp inverted-repeat substrates to demonstrate that MMR proteins strongly inhibit mitotic recombination between diverged sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The assay system detects only those events that reverse the orientation of the region between the recombination substrates, which can occur as a result of either intrachromatid crossover or sister chromatid conversion. In the present study we sequenced the products of mitotic recombination between 94%-identical substrates in order to map gene conversion tracts in wild-type versus MMR-defective yeast strains. The sequence data indicate that (i) most recombination occurs via sister chromatid conversion and (ii) gene conversion tracts in an MMR-defective strain are significantly longer than those in an isogenic wild-type strain. The shortening of conversion tracts observed in a wild-type strain relative to an MMR-defective strain suggests that at least part of the antirecombination activity of MMR proteins derives from the blockage of heteroduplex extension in the presence of mismatches.Homologous recombination events can be either reciprocal or nonreciprocal in nature. Reciprocal recombination (crossing over) alters the linkage relationships of loci that flank the site of an exchange, whereas nonreciprocal recombination (gene conversion) is defined as the unidirectional transfer of information from one DNA molecule to another. All present models of recombination stipulate the formation of a heteroduplex recombination intermediate, which is formed by complementary base pairing of single strands derived from different duplexes. Correction of a mismatch in heteroduplex DNA can result in a gene conversion event, and such correction is effected by the same mismatch repair (MMR) machinery that corrects errors made during DNA replication. Cocorrection of a series of contiguous mismatches generates a conversion tract, the length of which is considered to be a minimal estimate of the extent of the heteroduplex intermediate formed. The point at which the recombining molecules exchange single strands to form heteroduplex DNA is referred to as a Holliday junction, and cleavage of this junction gives rise to crossovers and noncrossovers at roughly equivalent frequencies.Homologous recombination usually involves allelic sequences on homologous chromosomes but also can occur between dispersed (ectopic) repeated sequences. Ectopic gene conversion provides a mechanism for homogenizing repeated sequences and hence is important in t...