Routing real-time traffic with maximum packet delay in contemporary telecommunication networks requires not only choosing a path, but also reserving transmission capacity along its arcs, as the delay is a nonlinear function of both components. The problem is known to be solvable in polynomial time under quite restrictive assumptions, i.e., Equal Rate Allocations (all arcs are reserved the same capacity) and identical reservation costs, whereas the general problem is N P-hard. We first extend the approaches to the ERA version to a pseudopolynomial Dynamic Programming one for integer arc costs, and a FPTAS for the case of general arc costs. We then show that the general problem can be formulated as a mixed-integer Second-Order Cone (SOCP) program, and therefore solved with off-the-shelf technology. We compare two formulations: one based on standard big-M constraints, and one where Perspective Reformulation techniques are used to tighten the continuous relaxation. Extensive computational experi-