Among the environmental pollution, soil is making it not only easy for analysis of contamination to remain, but also difficult to clean up. It is therefore necessary to develop a tool that can be used to easily and quickly determine the necessity of soil contamination at the on sites. In this chapter, a method developed to quickly detect soil pollutant species due to four specific types of heavy metals as hexavalent chromium, fluorine, boron, and lead. The detection kit has a sensitivity achieved to the elution standard value stipulated by Japan's Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law. The detection agent consists of a composite of water-absorbing polymer and coloring reagent that specifically reacts with such pollutant. This kit has already been sold under the trade name OCTES® (OCTES, 2014) and can now be used at soil contaminated sites without requiring any particularly difficult operations or electric power sources. This OCTES is expected to be used as a screening method to easily determine the need for detailed soil contamination assessment and purification.