Using the Mean-field theory based on Bogoliubov inequality for the free energy, a ferrimagnetic mixed spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 Ising model with different anisotropies is investigated. The free energy of a mixed spin Ising ferrimagnetic system from MF approximation of the Hamiltonian is calculated. By minimizing the free energy, we obtain the equilibrium magnetizations and compensation points. In particular, we investigate the effect of a single-ion anisotropy on the magnetic properties including the compensation phenomenon, in order to clarify the characteristic behaviours in a series of molecular- . The phase diagram of the system is also discussed in the anisotropy dependence of transition temperature. Our results of this model predict the existence of many(two or three) compensation points in the ordered system on a simple cubic lattice.
1.Introduction:Recently, Several theoretical investigations have been reported concerning the extension of efforts to a mixed spin Ising model with one constituent having spin-1 and another having spin-3/2. The magnetic properties of this system have been discovered experimentally in (Ni , which is prepared by the addition of manganese) triflate to aqueous solutions of the hexacyanovanadate(The theoretical work may be classified into two types . In the first type, the spin compensation temperature of the system( k T ) can be obtained by requiring the total magnetization as being equal to zero for various values of anisotropies; though the reduced magnetization of the sublattices forming the system are not equal to zero [2,3,5,6,7]. In the second class of work, the first and second order phase transitions demand Landau expansion of the free energy in the order parameter [2,5,8,9]. In this correspondence we are concerned to work on both classes. The purpose of this work is to investigate a mixed-spin Ising model, consisting of spin-3/2 and spin-5/2. We firstly determine the ground-state phase diagram and study sublattice magnetizations of the mixed spin ferrimagnetic Ising system with various values of the anisotropies on the basis of the mean-field theory. A Landau expression of the free energy in the order parameter is demanded in this respect. It has briefly been presented the basic framework of the theory based on the Bogoliubov inequality for the free energy. The phase diagrams and sublattice magnetizations for various values of the single-ion anisotropies acting on both atoms have been discussed .