(Nauman, 1975), and the nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons with nitronium salts (Pfister et al., 1975) are some examples of reaction schemes exhibiting seriesparallel behavior. The results of manufacturing the wrong distribution of products are a waste of raw materials and also an increased load on the separation stages to extract the desired product in pure form. Such considerations are also important in air-pollution, propulsion, and combustion problems, which involve a wide range of complex multiple reactions.Except for combustion studies, the principal fundamental experimental work on turbulent reacting flows with complex chemistry has been carried out by Bourne (1981) who studied a particular series-parallel reaction system-the diazo-coupling reaction, now referred to as Bourne's reaction. Several
2356November 1995 subsequent experimental studies (Li and Toor, 1986;Mehta and Tarbell, 1987) have made use of Bourne's reaction. It should be noted that in Bourne's reaction, the first reaction is very fast compared to the second. Since most experimental studies were limited to just this particular reaction system, knowledge about turbulent flow with multiple reactions has been extremely limited. Advances in the power and speed of computers have now made it possible to directly solve the equations for turbulent reacting flows at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. In direct numerical simulations (DNS), the nonlinear dynamical equations are solved with no turbulence modeling and with all time and length scales well-resolved. Direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional chemically reacting homogenous turbulent flow for unmixed reactants in a single step, finite rate reaction have been made by Givi and McMurtry (1988), Leonard and Hill (1988, 1989, 1991 and Me11 et al. (1993). Some preliminary investigations on the effect of various physical and chemical parameters for the seriesparallel reaction case have been made by Chakrabarti and Hill (1990) for decaying homogenous turbulence and by Gao and O'Brien (1991) for a forced turbulent flow.In the present study, described in more detail by Chakrabarti (19911, DNS of a series-parallel reaction pair in a decaying, homogenous turbulent flow was used to predict the product distribution in the problem of chemical selectivity and to help explain the interaction of turbulence, mixing,
Vol. 41, No. 11AIChE Journal and complex chemistry in this problem. The effect of turbulence, compared to the case with no motion, was studied by examining the variations of product distributions with turbulence intensity and viscosity, that is, by varying the turbulence Reynolds number. The effects of other physical parameters such as Schmidt numbers, diffusivities, reaction rate constants, -initial stoichiometric ratios, and initial scalar field conditions were also studied. Comparisons between the single reaction and the series-parallel reaction systems were made to better understand the complexity introduced by a two-step chemical reaction. These results are used in a forthcoming arti...