Abstract. Breakthrough curves of a conservative tracer in a heterogeneous twodimensional aquifer are analyzed by means of their temporal moments. The average velocity and the longitudinal macrodispersion coefficient of the equivalent onedimensional aquifer obtained through cross-sectional averaging of concentration can be defined from the first and second central moments of a breakthrough curve integrated over the outflow boundary of the domain. On the basis of an integrated breakthrough curve, one cannot distinguish between actual solute dilution, which involves concentration reduction, and variability of arrival times among parts of the plume at different crosssectional positions. Analyzing the temporal moments of breakthrough curves at a "point" within the domain gives additional information about the dilution of the tracer. From these local first and second central moments an apparent seepage velocity Va and an apparent dispersivity of mixing aa can be derived. For short travel distances, aa equals the local-scale longitudinal dispersivity. It increases with the travel distance but much more slowly than the macrodispersivity. At the large-distance limit, aa may eventually reach the level of macrodispersivity. Lenses of high conductivity where groundwater flow converges are identified as regions of preferential enhanced mixing. The spatial distribution of these regions causes a high degree of variability of a a within a domain, indicating a high degree of uncertainty in the quantification of dilution at early stages. In an accompanying paper [Cirpka and Kitanidis, this issue] the results of conservative tracer transport are utilized for the study of mixing-controlled reactive transport. [1996, 1998] showed the relation between dilution and the decay of concentration fluctuations. For a conservative compound the spatial variability of advection controls spreading. However, local dispersion plays a decisive role in determining the rate of fluctuation decay and the speed with which dilution catches up with spreading. If we observed two nonsorbing compounds that initially did not occupy the same space and we considered spreading exclusively, the mass of the two compounds would remain in their specific, and separated, water volumes moving with groundwater flow. The compounds would never occupy the same volume, and the plumes would not overlap. By contrast, if we consider dilution, the volume occupied by each compound increases and overlapping of the two plumes becomes possible. We refer to the latter process as mixing. Note that our definition of mixing differs from that of Weeks and Sposito [1998], who defined it as the stretching of the plume surface because of differences in advective transport. We think that our definition of mixing is more useful in the context of multicomponent reactive transport when different plumes belong to different compounds which may react when mixed Oya and Valocchi, 1998].As already stated, dilution leads to mixing. However, if we consider the introduction of a highly mobile comp...