We carry out direct numerical simulations of turbulent astrophysical media exposed to the redshift zero metagalactic background. The simulations assume solar composition and explicitly track ionizations, recombinations, and ion-by-ion radiative cooling for hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, sodium, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, calcium, and iron. Each run reaches a global steady state that not only depends on the ionization parameter, U, and mass-weighted average temperature, T MW , but also on the the one-dimensional turbulent velocity dispersion, σ 1D . We carry out runs that span a grid of models with U ranging from 0 to 10 −1 and σ 1D ranging from 3.5 to 58 km s −1 , and we vary the product of the mean density and the driving scale of the turbulence, nL, which determines the average temperature of the medium, from nL = 10 16 to nL = 10 20 cm −2 . The turbulent Mach numbers of our simulations vary from M ≈ 0.5 for the lowest velocity dispersions cases to M ≈ 20 for the largest velocity dispersion cases. When M 1, turbulent effects are minimal, and the species abundances are reasonably described as those of a uniform photoionized medium at a fixed temperature. On the other hand, when M 1, dynamical simulations such as the ones carried out here are required to accurately predict the species abundances. We gather our results into a set of tables, to allow future redshift zero studies of the intergalactic medium to account for turbulent effects.