We consider the problem of estimating from sample paths the absolute spectral gap 1 − λ of a reversible, irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain (X t ) t∈N over a finite state space Ω. We propose the UCPI (Upper Confidence Power Iteration) algorithm for this problem, a low-complexity algorithm which estimates the spectral gap in time O(n) and memory space O((ln n) 2 ) given n samples. This is in stark contrast with most known methods which require at least memory space O(|Ω|), so that they cannot be applied to large state spaces. We also analyze how n should scale to reach a target estimation error. Furthermore, UCPI is amenable to parallel implementation. †: Centrale-Supelec,We make the following contributions (a) We propose UCPI (Upper Confidence Power Iteration), a computationally efficient algorithm to estimate the absolute spectral gap in time O(n) and memory space O((ln n) 2 ) given n samples. We analyze how n should scale to reach a target estimation error in section 4.4. (b) We prove that UCPI is consistent and analyze its convergence rate as a function of the number of samples. (c) We show how UCPI is applicable to a broad set of assumptions e.g. the case where a single sample path is available, the case where one can simulate transitions of the chain etc.
Markov chains over large state spacesMarkov chains are typically encountered in the following setting. Consider π the stationary distribution of P and f : Ω → [0, 1] some function. We would like to compute the quantity:If Ω is large, even if π were known, summing over all elements of x ∈ Ω might not be feasible and one may instead use a simulation method by drawing sample paths of (X t ) t starting from some arbitrary initial distribution, since:So we may compute Z by drawing many independent sample paths of length k with k large enough. However, to select the sample path length k properly, one needs information about the mixing properties (i.e. the convergence