V Sloveniji od sredine prejšnjega desetletja razvijamo koncept vojaške strateške rezerve, vendar se postavlja vprašanje glede njegove skladnosti s procesom transformacije sodobnih vojsk in glede izvedljivosti ter uporabnosti. Zaslediti je mogoče številne težave z vidika demografskega in širšega socialnega konteksta ter organizacijskega vidika. Zamisel o vojaški strateški rezervi ne sledi trendom količinskega in funkcionalnega preoblikovanja rezervnih sil, ki jih zasledimo v okviru širše transformacije sodobnih zahodnih vojsk. Z vidika značilnosti sodobnih konfliktov je učinkovitost zagotavljanja vojaške varnosti s konceptom vojaške strateške rezerve, ki temelji na naboru in mobilizaciji, vprašljiva. Nujna bi bila temeljita presoja ustreznosti koncepta vojaške strateške rezerve z vojaškega vidika. V nasprotnem lahko pride do večanja razlik med deklariranimi in v resnici dosegljivimi cilji.
Ključne besede: rezervne sile, strateška rezerva, transformacija, Slovenska vojska, obrambno načrtovanje.
The development of the concept of Military Strategic Reserve in Slovenia can be traced back into the middle of the past decade. However, a question arises about its consistency with the transformation process in the modern armed forces as well as about its feasibility and efficiency. There are several problems from the viewpoint of demographic and broader social context as well as from the organisational viewpoint. The idea of military strategic reserve does not follow the trends of quantitative and functional restructuring of reserve forces present in the broader transformation of modern western armed forces. As far as the characteristics of contemporary conflicts are concerned, the effectiveness of providing military security with the concept of a conscription- and mobilisation-based military reserve is questionable.
In order to prevent the widening of the gap between declared and attainable goals, it would be necessary to thoroughly assess the appropriateness of the military strategic reserve concept from a military point of view.
Key words: Reserve forces, strategic reserve, transformation, Slovenia Armed Forces, defence planning.