This article studies the guaranteed cost extended dissipative stabilization problem of switched IT2 fuzzy systems (SIT2FSs) with switching signal transmission delays and local nonlinear model. The guaranteed cost performance, guaranteed cost strict dissipative performance, guaranteed cost − performance and guaranteed cost passivity performance are considered for SIT2FSs in a unified form. First, a novel asynchronous control scheme is proposed for SIT2FSs with local nonlinear model. The controller gains in mismatched interval are designed separately. By using a premise‐variable‐domain‐partition‐dependent switched fuzzy Lyapunov functions (PDSFLFs) approach, the membership‐function‐shape‐independent (MFSI) existence conditions of a class of IT2 fuzzy switched controllers, which can ensure the guaranteed cost extended dissipative performance of SIT2FSs, are established. Then, by utilizing the shape information of membership functions and dividing the premise variable domain into multiple partitions, the membership‐function‐shape‐dependent (MFSD) existence conditions of a class of premise‐variable‐domain‐partition‐dependent (PVDPD) IT2 fuzzy switched controllers are presented. The results indicate that less conservative results can be achieved by using the PVDPD IT2 fuzzy switched controllers, and better system performance can be gotten compared with the Type‐1 fuzzy switched controllers. Finally, the effectiveness of the results is demonstrated through a robot arm model.