We first calculate the binding energy, the pionic and electromagnetic couping constants of the lowest lying p-wave heavy baryon doublet Λ c1 , Λ * c1 in the leading order of the heavy quark expansion. Then we calculate the twobody decay widths with these couplings and compare our results with other approaches. Our results are Γ(Λ c1 → Σ c π, Σ c γ, Σ * c γ) = 2.7, 0.011, 0.001 MeV and Γ(Λ * c1 → Σ c π, Σ c γ, Σ * c γ, Λ c1 γ) = 33, 5, 6, 0.014 keV respectively. We find Λ c1 , Λ * c1 → Λ c γ is strictly forbidden in the leading order of the heavy quark expansion. At the order of O(1/m c ) their widths are 36, 48 keV respectively.