Semileptonic B-meson decays induced by b → sðdÞl þ l − flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) transitions are very important to probe the quark-flavor sector of the standard model (SM) and also offer a probe to test new physics (NP). Although there exist a lot of precise results on b → sl þ l −-induced processes, there is a lack of sufficient data for b → dl þ l −-induced decays. Here, we are interested to study B → πl þ l − and B → ρl þ l − decays that proceed via a b → dl þ l − transition at the quark level. In this work, we investigate the differential branching ratio, forward-backward asymmetry, CP violation asymmetry, and lepton polarization asymmetry in these two decay channels in a nonuniversal Z 0 model. We find a significant deviation from the SM value of these physical observables for these decays which provide a clear conjecture for NP arising from the Z 0 gauge boson.