Inspired by the discovery of the dibaryon d * and the experimental search of N Ω dibaryon with the STAR data, we study the strange dibaryon N Ω further in the framework of quark delocalization color screening model and chiral quark model. We have shown N Ω is a narrow resonance in ΛΞ D-wave scattering before. However, the Λ-Ξ scattering data analysis is quite complicated. Here we calculate the low-energy N Ω scattering phase shifts, scattering length, effective range and binding energy to provide another approach of STAR data analysis. Our results show there exists an N Ω "bound" state, which can be observed by the N -Ω correlation analysis with RHIC and LHC data, or by the new developed automatic scanning system at J-PARC. Besides, we also find that the hidden color channel-coupling is important for the N Ω system to develop intermediate-range attraction.