“…A very good account of charge transfer is provided at low E by the impact parameter calculations of Shakeshaft (1978). However, the basis used in that work did not take the ionization channel into (1986); G, Glauber appraximatian, Franco and Thomas (1971) and Bhadra and Ghosh (1971); Sh2, close-coupled, impact parameter, symmetric two-centre AO basis, Shakeshaft (1978); 0, close-coupled, impact parameter, asymmetric two-centre AO basis, Emolaev (1990) and present calculations; 01, one-centre optical, Ast el a1 (1988); 0 2 two-centre optical, Ast el 01 (1988); Sc, one-centre, without pseudo-states, close-coupling, Schoeller el 01 (1986); R, one-and-a-half centred A 0 expansion, Reading el 01 (1981); Br, one-centre, impact parameter, with pseudo-states, Bransden el a1 (1979). (iii) Balmer alpha emission (with cascade correction).…”