Cross sections were measured for the reaction 14 N(n, t) 1J C using tritium counting. A deuterium gas target at a compact cyclotron was used as a quasi-monoenergetic neutron source via the reaction 2 Η (d, n) 3 He. Tritium was separated from the irradiated A1N target material by vacuum extraction and measured in the gas phase using anticoincidence proportional counting. 14 C formed via the competing reaction channel 14 N(n, p) 14 C was removed from tritium by permeating the gas through a Pd window or by absorption of the gaseous activity in Nb metal followed by high-temperature desorption of HT. The residual tritium content in the A1N sample was determined by dissolution in molten B 2 0 3 . The Li impurity in the A1N sample was determined via neutron activation analysis as well as optical emission spectroscopy. Tritium formation from the Li impurity was estimated to be 0.05%. The ,4 N (n, t) 1 J C reaction cross sections in the neutron energy range of 5.0 to 10.6 MeV lie between 11 and 30 mb and have an uncertainty of 14 to 21%. The excitation function shows fluctuation over the whole investigated energy range; it may be attributed to the decay properties of the excited nuclear levels involved.Integral cross section for (n, t) process on nitrogen induced by 53 MeV d(Be) breakup neutrons was also determined [15].Recently we reported on measurements of 10 B(n, t)2a cross sections via tritium gas counting using neutrons from a dd-gas target at the compact cyclotron CV 28 [ 16]. In a series of investigations on light nuclei, we present now measurements of the 14 N(n, t) 12 C cross section in the neutron energy range of 5.0 to 10.6 MeV. To our knowledge, so far the energy dependence of the 14 N(n, t) 12 C reaction cross section at energies below 5.5 MeV and in the range between 8.5 and 10.6 MeV has not been studied. The technique of tritium extraction and gas counting was applied previously for measurement of (n, t) cross section on nitrogen with 53 MeV d(Be) breakup neutrons [15]. As far as work with monoenergetic neutrons on nitrogen is concerned, this technique has so far not been applied.