We study the single electron spectra from D− and B−meson semileptonic decays in Au+Au collisions at √ sNN =200, 62.4, and 19.2 GeV by employing the parton-hadron-string dynamics (PHSD) transport approach that has been shown to reasonably describe the charm dynamics at RelativisticHeavy-Ion-Collider (RHIC) and Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) energies on a microscopic level. In this approach the initial charm and bottom quarks are produced by using the PYTHIA event generator which is tuned to reproduce the fixed-order next-to-leading logarithm (FONLL) calculations for charm and bottom production. The produced charm and bottom quarks interact with off-shell (massive) partons in the quark-gluon plasma with scattering cross sections which are calculated in the dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM) that is matched to reproduce the equation of state of the partonic system above the deconfinement temperature Tc. At energy densities close to the critical energy density (≈ 0.5 GeV/fm 3 ) the charm and bottom quarks are hadronized into D− and B−mesons through either coalescence or fragmentation. After hadronization the D− and B−mesons interact with the light hadrons by employing the scattering cross sections from an effective Lagrangian. The final D− and B−mesons then produce single electrons through semileptonic decay. We find that the PHSD approach well describes the nuclear modification factor RAA and elliptic flow v2 of single electrons in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at √ sNN = 200 GeV and the elliptic flow in Au+Au reactions at √ sNN = 62.4 GeV from the PHENIX collaboration, however, the large RAA at √ sNN = 62.4 GeV is not described at all. Furthermore, we make predictions for the RAA of D−mesons and of single electrons at the lower energy of √ sNN = 19.2 GeV. Additionally, the medium modification of the azimuthal angle φ between a heavy quark and a heavy antiquark is studied. We find that the transverse flow enhances the azimuthal angular distributions close to φ = 0 because the heavy flavors strongly interact with nuclear medium in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and almost flow with the bulk matter.