The St/(18) mass formula given earlier for the s 3 -configuration baryons in the three-triplet model is derived. Selection rules for allowed decays of S£7 (3) "-excited baryon resonances are given using a new classification of mesons: among other selection rules, iV(1466) -> AiriNinr), -f^-iW; and Zi(1910) -> AK(NTTK), -frNK, in the (no-mixing) approximation, where C 2(3)/ and C2 (3),/ are good quantum numbers. The s 3 , J p = i + resonances such as N (1466) and N (1751) should be produced with even sharper forward peaking than the corresponding elastic process. The iV(1466) resonance should not be electro-or photoproduced, in contrast to the iV(1751) resonance, which should be produced electromagnetically. Experiments to detect exotic resonances are suggested. The present limits on backward K~p elastic scattering are compatible with ^-channel exchange of Zi(1910). A complete table of mass predictions for s 3 -configuration baryon resonances is given.