Abstract. We have studied the energy dependence of the reaction mechanism of the T (t,2n) 4 He reaction at stellar energies and of its charge symmetric analog reaction 3 He( 3 He,2p) 4 He at energies up 10 MeV. We find that the reaction mechanism changes dramatically over this energy range in part due to the interference of the two identical fermions in the three-body final state.This contribution describes a study of the Charge Symmetric reactions T+T and 3 He+ 3 He carried out at the laser facilities OMEGA and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and at the tandem accelerator facility at Cal Tech. The 3 He( 3 He,2p) 4 He reaction reaction is of scientific interest because it completes over 98% of the p-p reaction chain in the Sun. Describing and measuring these reactions is complicated by the three body final states 4 He+2n and 4 He+2p which contain identical fermions. At low energies the reaction mechanism is dominated by the L = 0 (s-wave) partial wave. The shapes of the energy spectra of the neutrons and protons are determined by the stronger nucleon-4 He interaction and the weaker nucleon-nucleon interaction.At OMEGA and the NIF the neutron spectra were determined by very fast Neutron Time-ofFlight detectors (TOF) and by a Medium Resolution Spectrometer (MRS) with a CD 2 foil to convert the neutrons into deuterons which could be momentum-analyzed in the magnetic field. Track detectors positioned along the MRS focal could be analyzed after the run. The properties of these detectors have been determined by previous measurements of n+D and D+T reactions. At Cal Tech the proton energy spectra were determined by a pair of solid-state detectors that used standard particle identification techniques to separate the charge-one protons from the charge-two alpha particles. While the measurements at the laser facilities measured the total cross section, the measurements at the accelerator laboratory could be measured at different angles with respect to the beam allowing an angular distribution of the protons and α particles to be determined at each beam energy. The targets were also very different. At OMEGA and the NIF the high pressure gases (at about 8 atm) were contained in small (3-mm diameter) capsules. At the NIF these were positioned inside a holram to enhance the reaction yield. The targets were positioned at the center of a large reaction chamber and lasers impinged on the targets creating fusion as the capsules collapsed and heated rapidly. At Cal Tech the 3 He beam entered the gas-filled scattering chamber through a thin (2500 Angstrom) foil. It exited through This contribution is dedicated to the memory of Tom Tombrello, my Ph.D. advisor at Cal Tech, who died in 2014.