Background: Level structure of the most neutron deficient nucleon-bound carbon isotope, 9 C, is not well known. Definitive spin-parity assignments are only available for two excited states. No positive parity states have been conclusively identified so far and the location of the sd-shell in A=9 T=3/2 isospin quadruplet is not known.
Purpose:We have studied the level structure of exotic nucleus 9 C at excitation energies below 6.4 MeV.Methods: Excited states in 9 C were populated in 8 B+p resonance elastic scattering and excitation functions were measured using active target approach.Results: Two excited states in 9 C were conclusively observed, and R-matrix analysis of the excitation functions was performed to make the spin-parity assignments. The first positive parity state in A=9 T=3/2 nuclear system, the 5/2 + resonance at 4.3 MeV, has been identified.
Conclusions:The new 5/2 + state at 4.3 MeV in 9 C is a single-particle = 0 broad resonance and it determines the energy of the 2s shell. The 2s shell in this exotic nucleus appears well within the region dominated by the p-shell states.