The Eu +2 spins-7/2 in EuNi2As2 with the body-centered tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure order antiferromagnetically below the Néel temperature TN = 15 K into a helical antiferromagnetic (AFM) structure with the helix axis aligned along the tetragonal c axis and the Eu ordered moments aligned ferromagnetically within the ab plane as previously reported from neutron diffraction measurements [T. Jin, et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 014425 (2019)]. Here we study the crystallographic, magnetic, thermal, and electronic transport properties of Bi-flux-grown single crystals using single-crystal xray diffraction, anisotropic magnetic susceptibility χ, isothermal magnetization M , heat capacity C p , and electrical resistivity ρ measurements versus applied magnetic field H and temperature T . Vacancies are found on the Ni sites corresponding to the composition EuNi 1.95(1) As2. A good fit of the ρ(T ) data by the Bloch-Grüneisen theory for metals was obtained. The χ ab (T ) data below TN are fitted well by molecular field theory (MFT), and the helix turn angle kd and the Eu-Eu Heisenberg exchange constants are extracted from the fit parameters. The kd value is in good agreement with the neutron-diffraction result. The magnetic contribution to the zero-field heat capacity below TN is also fitted by MFT. The isothermal in-plane magnetization M ab exhibits two metamagnetic transitions versus H, whereas Mc(T = 2 K) is nearly linear up to H = 14 T, both behaviors being consistent with MFT. The Mc(H, T ), ρ(Hc, T ), and Cp(Hc, T ) data yielded a Hc-T phase diagram separating the AFM and paramagnetic phases in good agreement with MFT. Anisotropic χ(T ) literature data for the ThCr2Si2-type helical antiferromagnet EuRh2As2 were also fitted well by MFT. A comparison is made between the crystallographic and magnetic properties of ThCr2Si2-type EuM2P n2 compounds with M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, or Rh, and P n = P or As, where only ferromagnetic and c-axis helical AFM structures are found.