recently completed the joint NASNArmy UH-60A Airloads Program. The objective ram was to make in-flight the measuremen& E : Z g T a d e airloads, blade vortex interaction, and blade ~ycousticb. An advanced digital instrumentation system, CO b k of synchronous acquisition of several hundred c h m e n q pressure channels was designed and developed to gathe? the required drloads data. The instrumentatian sptcm was designed to o rate on the rotor hub of a B k k h w k helicopter a r q u k g data, in fli t , b pnassqre trpasducers, strain U es, and acce l p" erometen embkddekl in the rotor b&, Lilt under contract by SikoFsky@ Aircraft. A parallel effort was initiaw to devel a p u n d telemetry system with the capabaty to han8e UR 7.5 megabits per second PCM= encod4 telemetry data, snerated by &e instrumentation syqtem, in d-tinqe. $he purpoe~ of this paper is to descnb the desi@ an4 rformance of the rotary data ac uisition system whicrwas used to digitall acquire hi& speed rotor blade ressure data. These Lta were found to achieve the lligtt test research objectives of the UH-60A Airloads Program.