Standard interfaces like joysticks and keyboards act as a hindrance in providing precision-oriented results due to its unnaturalness. Recent developments have been made to overcome such imprecise interaction by developing gesture control based on accelerometer. Combining this gesture recognition concept with Bluetooth and the internet we aim to control the robot wirelessly to be able to ease human effort. Using this technology, we can surmount the difficulty faced in gathering data from a hazardous and lethal areas that might pose threat to human life. An accelerometer which measures the acceleration forces by sensing changes in its capacitance and translating it into voltage for interpretation helps us to get values of human body movement in terms of 3D plane. Bluetooth at the same time works by exchanging data between a phone and fixed device wirelessly. This is done using short-wavelength over short distances. Using both these technologies, every swinging motion will be sensed to gather precise movement using the accelerometer- ADXL335 and sending this data to the Arduino Uno which processes the received input and outputs instruction to be followed by the bot. This generated data is sent over to the phone app using Bluetooth module HC-05 which is further sent to the website. The receiver end then receives this data using Node MCU Wi-Fi Module and drives the motor to the input direction through the driving board connected to it. Hence, a common man will be able to use this effectively and easily to complete his tasks.