SIR, We thank Dr Strauss for his letter. First of all, we agree completely with his opinions. We would like to underline that our studies with personal digital assistants and cellular telephones 1,2 were both only feasibility studies in teledermatology. The goal of both studies was to test the possibility of using these new devices in teledermatology, and clinical data were intentionally not provided in order to judge the genuine capacity of teleconsultants to formulate a diagnosis. Certainly, as Dr Strauss correctly outlined, the workflow for mobile teledermatology has yet to be designed and clinical information must be included in a practicable and reasonable way. We also agree that high-resolution cameras should preferably be used in mobile teledermatology. 3 In fact, in a new study concerning mobile teledermoscopy, a new generation of cellular telephones with a high-resolution camera has been used and results are much more satisfying, indicating that mobile teledermatology is beginning to come of age. 4,5