This article presents the interactive sound installation Ekkomaten, a machine originally designed to let people explore an 18th century soundscape as part of a historical festival in Aarhus, Denmark. We present the design of the installation focusing on three core concerns when designing interactive listening situations; the physical interface, the site-specific soundscape and the affectively engaging listening experience. We then provide a detailed video analysis of the richness of use of the installation, focusing on the interaction and ways of listening facilitated by the setup. Based on this, we highlight the ways in which Ekkomaten has provided an interactive listening situation engaging people affectively and intellectually both in the exploration of sonified stories about the 18th century as well as of the installation in itself as an interactive machine for listening. Further, we reflect on important insights when designing interactive listening situations, critically reflect on the data and evaluation and outline a future experiment with the Ekkomaten infrastructure.
Author KeywordsAudio design; interactive sound design; site-specific design; urban computing; cultural heritage; affective engagement; interactive environments and installations ACM Classification Keywords H.5 m. Information interfaces and presentation