Purpose The long-term use of manure as a source of nutrients can promote phosphorus (P) leaching, especially in sandy soils. The aim was to evaluate P mobility from organic and mineral sources in columns, linked with the Dystric Xeropsamments adsorption characteristics with long-term organic fertilization regime. Methods The mineral, chemical, and physical properties of the samples were characterized, including Langmuir adsorption and desorption kinetics. The P mobility was determined in one leaching experiment, in 20 cm soil columns. The topsoil (0-10 cm) layer was treated with organic (cattle, swine, goat, and hen manure) and inorganic fertilizers. Leaching was corresponding to 10 pore volumes (PV), 1 PV day −1 . Aliquots of the leachate were collected to analyze P concentrations. After the leaching, the columns were sliced into 5-cm sections for the analysis of water-extractable P (WEP). Results The mineral source obtained higher leaching of P and between the organic sources the bovine and swine manure. The latter were the ones that had higher value of P w in the soil after the leaching. Due to the increase of the adsorption capacity of P with depth, there was a reduction in the mobility of P, and an unbalance of P w in the soil was found. Conclusions The mobility of P depends on the concentration of the soluble P soil or added material; moreover, the presence of Fe and Al oxides, even in small amounts, reduces the mobility of P in sandy soil.