Fog computing is an epitome to enable provisioning resources and services beyond the cloud, at the edge of the network, and nearer to end devices. Fog computing is not a counterfeit for cloud computing but a persuasive counterpart. However, the mobility of end users and/or fog nodes brings a major dilemma in the implementation of real-life scenarios. Therefore, we deliver the state-of-the-art research about mobility in fog computing. By identifying the mobility problems, requirements, and features of different proposals, we discover the open problems from subsisting studies and summarize the advantages of mobility for readers. This will help the researchers and developers avoid the current misapprehensions and capture the real-life scenarios, such as business, government, and education institutions. In spite of the extensive state-of-the-art research work, we also present the diverse mobility factors to investigate the correlation between dynamic nodes with fog nodes in order to accomplish better successful tasks. We conceive that the investigations of mobility factors in the fog computing will furnish the novel perspective on not only dynamic connections but also network dynamics. To revolutionize the follow-up research, we distinguish and foreground futurity directions concerning real-life scenarios of people and vehicles in a dynamic fog environment. INDEX TERMS Fog computing, edge computing, cloud computing, mobility, mobility environments, mobility factors, performance.