The paper addresses counterintuitive behavior of electrons injected into dense cryogenic media with negative scattering length a 0 . Instead of expected polaronic effect (formation of density enhancement clusters) which should substantially reduce the electron mobility, an opposite picture is observed: with increasing | | a 0 (the trend taking place for inert gases with the growth of atomic number) and the medium density, the electrons remain practically free. An explanation of this behavior is provided based on consistent accounting for the non-linearity of electron interaction with the gaseous medium in the gas atom number density.PACS: 71.10.-w Theories and models of many-electron systems.Keywords: delocalized electron, heavy inert gases, negativ scattering length.One of the most interesting and still important issues in physics of cryogenic media is the problem of electron clusters which emerged almost simultaneously with that of electron bubbles. However, it is much less transparent (compared to the case of electron bubbles) from the experimental side. Although there are some indications of the existence of electron clusters in xenon [1], they are not observed on the expected scale in media with comparatively high atomic polarizabilities (krypton, xenon) which are presumably likely to develop various electron autolocalization phenomena. On the contrary, the data on electron mobility in Ar, Kr, and Xe [2-4] reveal that electrons remain practically free (compared to mobility of positive ions possessing the structure of massive polaronic-type formations) in their motion, at least in the vicinity of the characteristic electron mobility peak which is observed for all heavy inert gases.The existing description [5][6][7] of electron clusters in cryogenic media with negative scattering lengths a 0 employs the well-known approximation [8,9] for electron-medium interaction energy which is linear in the gas density n. Within this approximation, the minimal energy V 0 of delocalized electron injected into the gaseous media is calculated aswhere m is the free electron mass. In terms of electron energy bands in solids, V 0 is the conduction band bottom energy. The case of a 0 0 > corresponds to formation a single-electron bubble. On the other hand, a density enhancement domain with higher gas atom concentration (i.e., a cluster) may develop around the electron if a 0 0 < . The authors of Refs. 5-7 made every effort to provide a quantitatively accurate description of the gas density around the localized electron in the linear approximation. In addition to (1), they also introduced a non-local electron-gas interaction of the typewhere y( ) r is the electron wave function, took into account the deviation of the gas entropy contribution to the total free energy from the ideal gas, etc. Their final conclusions [5][6][7] practically coincide with the intuitively expected picture: the electron cluster should exist, and the electron localization degree as well as the cluster mass should monotonously grow with the density media a...