In this paper, structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators is considered. Serial platform manipulators are created according to the development of the platforms and closed loops. Also a new structural formula of mobility of parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators is presented. Structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators with lower and higher kinematic pairs with respect to their structures are also examined. Structural synthesis of parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators is also introduced. History of structural formulas DOF are presented as a table with equations, authors, years and some commentaries. New and revised methods for structural synthesis of serial platform manipulators and parallel Cartesian platform robot manipulators are illustrated along with examples. Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pep.veı gpelcnabkeyyoq pa,one paccvanpbba.ncz ıogpocs cnpyrnypyouo cbynepa gkanaopveyysx vaybgykznopob gockelobaneksyoq cnpyrnyps. Coplaybe gkanaopveyysx vaybgylznopob goclelobanelsyoq cnpyrnyps ocyobaya ya papbbnbb gkanaopv b pavryynsx roynypob. ı pa,one gpelcnabgeya yobaz cnpyrnypyaz aopvyka, a nar;e paccvanpbba.ncz bogpocs cnpyrnypyouo cbynepa gkanaopveyysx vaybgykznopob gockelobaneksyoq cnpyrnyps c ybpobvb b bscobvb gapavb c noxrb ppeybz bx cnpryrnyps. Bcnopbz cnpyrnypys aopvyk cnegeyb golbb;yocnb gpelcnabkeya b bble na,kbws c ypabyeybzvb, aınopavb, uolavb b yeronopsvb roveynapbzvb. Hobse b gepecvonpeyyse venols cnpyrnypyouo cbynepa gkanaopveyysx vaybgykznopob gockelobaneksyoq cnpyrnyps bkk.cnpbpy.ncz papkbxsvb gpbvepavb.