The results described in this work demonstrate the comprehensive characterization of C-doped GaAs and Ino.53Gao.47As materials and C-doped GaAsbased and InP-based HBT devices grown by SSMBE system using CBr4 as p-type dopant precursor. The characteristics of C-doped GaAs materials, such as the hole concentration, mobility, lattice mismatch, surface morphology, and optical properties, have been comprehensively investigated using various techniques, which help to gain me insight and understanding of the material properties. Especially, me compensation effects of dicaron defects have been studied. The optimization of me growth conditions has been carried out and discussed, which benefits the development of Cdoped GaAs as base layer of GalnP/GaAs HBT devices. Preliminary results of Cdoped GalnP/GaAs HBT devices demonstrated poor characteristics due to trap-related recombination. Witii better control of growth process, improved performances of GalnP/GaAs HBTs have been obtained. Elevated temperature properties revealed good material quality of these devices. C-doped InP/InGaAs SHBTs and composite collector DHBTs have been grown and studied, and the promising device performance demonstrate the potential for commercial wireless communication applications. The complex breakdown characteristics of composite collector DHBTs have been investigated.