The elbow, the middle joint of the upper limb, enables the hand to be placed at various distances from the body. The articular, muscular and neuromotor complexity of the elbow is such that it is often prone to stiffness, especially if immobilized for long periods of time. Therefore, mobilization of the posttraumatic elbow must be started early. In the presence of lesions to the ligamentous structures, the joint must be protected to prevent these structures from being placed under tension during movement. Rehabilitation of the elbow includes the use of braces. Different types of brace are used depending on clinical situation and the objectives to be achieved. They can have fixed protection or locked articulation, allow an adjustable range of movement to restrict flexion-extension and pronation-supination, or allow dynamic and static progressive movement. The latter plays a special role in conservative treatment and following surgical release. However, the effectiveness of braces in the rehabilitation treatment of elbow stiffness depends on the patient’s compliance. Their use requires a considerable amount of physician time to achieve the objectives envisaged by the rehabilitation program.