Authored by Francisco J. Álvarez-Gil, Stance devices in tourism-related research articles: A corpus-based study (Peter Lang, 2022) is a recently published corpus-based work that sets out to assess the occurrence and purpose of stance markers in research articles focused on the field of tourism. In academic writing, the concept of 'stance' is typically concerned with the author's perspective or viewpoint on a particular topic. This includes the author's ideas, attitudes, and reasoning concerning the information given, as well as the supporting evidence and arguments put forth to back up any claims made. Establishing a clear and well-defined perspective is crucial when writing research articles, as it helps to establish the author's credibility, adopted stance, opposing viewpoints and arguments, and contributes to promoting further academic discussion and debate. The focus on stance is clearly grounded in the view of language as a functional system, emphasizing the purposes for which language is used.