according to the Register of the National Quality Postgraduate Program, there are 2,435 master's and doctoral postgraduates belonging to the PNPC, what he considers that a postgraduate degree in PNPC implies the responsibility of maintaining the educational quality of it. In this sense, this article based on a qualitative methodology with a documentary approach and descriptive method, allowed to obtain as a result that the entry and permanence of educational quality through the use and innovation of information and communication technology strengthens teaching actions, research, linking and teacher and student mobility. Regarding evaluation processes in PNPC-CONACYT, it is essential to have personnel with professional training and trained in the area of information technology. In conclusion, when considering the integration of information and communication technology in PNPC graduate programs, the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco consolidates and strengthens educational innovation at the academic and research level. In the institutional scenario, the technological tools have allowed the constitution of innovations that grant