Using a novel thermodynamic integration scheme, we compute the excess free energy, γ, of a glassforming, binary Lennard-Jones liquid in contact with a frozen amorphous wall, formed by particles frozen into a similar structure as the liquid. We find that γ is non-zero, becoming negative at low temperature. This indicates that the thermodynamics of the system is perturbed by the effect of the amorphous wall.Recently, several studies have investigated the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming systems in contact with a wall, formed by particles that are frozen into a similar disordered structure [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. One of the objectives in these studies has been to identify a growing static length scale associated with the dramatic slowing down of glassy dynamics in the bulk [10]. This is based on the assumption that the thermodynamics of the system is unaffected by the disordered wall, provided an average is performed over the thermal fluctuations as well as a sufficient number of wall realizations [5].Since in such systems, the mobile particles are in contact with an amorphous wall, albeit whose structure is similar to that of the liquid, it involves the presence of an interface. A key question then is to ask what the free energy cost of the formation of such an interface is. The absolute free energy of a system is difficult to compute directly, as the free energy is not a simple function of the phase space variables. However, in an atomistic simulation the free-energy difference of a given state from a reference state of known free energy can be computed using thermodynamic integration (TI) [11].In this work, we compute the excess free energy, γ, of a binary glass-forming Lennard-Jones (LJ) liquid [12] in contact with quenched disordered walls on either side over the bulk free energy, using a novel TI scheme in combination with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation [13]. We consider the distance between the walls to be large enough for the two interfaces to be independent of each other. The interfacial free energy γ is computed as a function of temperature. For low temperatures, we find that γ becomes negative and thus the amorphous wall imposes an attractive pinning field on the supercooled liquid. Furthermore, the non-zero value of γ indicates that the free energy of the liquid is affected by the amorphous walls, although these walls have a similar structure as that of the liquid. Therefore, one has to be careful with respect to the interpretation of the relaxation behavior of the supercooled liquid and following conclusions about the structural relaxation in the bulk liquid.Model Potential.-We consider a two-component (particles of type A and B) 80:20 Kob-Andersen (KA) binary Lennard-Jones mixture [12] with the interaction parameters chosen to yield a supercooled liquid at low temperatures. We denote the interaction potential by u(r), r being the distance between the particles. The N binary LJ particles are enclosed within a simulation cell of size L x × L y × L z , with periodic boundary conditions in th...