A 2 is a prostanoid having potent platelet aggregatory and vasoconstrictor properties. To determine a possible role for thromboxane A 2 in the development of severe hypertension and stroke, we chronically administered the selective thromboxane A 2 synthase inhibitor UK-38,485 (Dazmegrel) to stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Serum thromboxane B 2 (the stable hydrolysis product of thromboxane A 2 ) generation was significantly greater in incubates of whole blood from SHRSP than in those from normotensive control Wistar-Kyoto rats and was inhibited >89% by UK-38,485 administered in vivo. In 10 male SHRSP fed a Japanese-style rat chow and given 1% NaCl in drinking water to accelerate the occurrence of stroke, treatment with 100 mg/kg/day UK-38,485 by gavage starting at 8.