This paper describes technical progress made in the application of run time assurance (RTA) methods to turbofan engines with advanced propulsion control algorithms that are employed to improve engine performance. It is assumed that the advanced algorithms cannot be fully certified using current verification and validation approaches and therefore need to be continually monitored by an RTA system that ensures safe operation. However, current turbofan engine control systems utilize engine protection logic for safe combustion dynamics and stable airflow through the engine. It was determined that the engine protection logic should continue to be used to provide system safety and should be considered as a part of the overall RTA system. The additional function that an RTA system provides is to perform diagnostics on anomalous conditions to determine if these conditions are being caused by errors in the advanced controller. If this is the case, the RTA system switches operation to a trusted reversionary controller. Initial studies were performed to demonstrate this benefit. The other focus was to improve the performance of the engine protection logic, which was deemed too conservative and reduced engine performance during transient operations. It was determined that the conservative response was due to poor tuning of one of the controller channels within the protection logic. An automatic tuning algorithm was implemented to optimize the protection logic control gains based on minimizing tracking error. Improved tracking responses were observed with no change to the existing protection logic control architecture.2 conditions are ensuing due to undiscovered errors in the untrusted advanced system, then the RTA system activates one or more recovery actions to mitigate the adverse conditions and return operation to a safe/correct state.Because of the need to increase the operating performance of turbofan engines for new and future aerospace applications, there is currently wide interest in using more advanced control algorithms to achieve these new capabilities. The current investigation is motivated by a number of recent advanced control approaches in the propulsion community to provide better performance over the life cycle of the engine [1,2]. However, it is recognized that certification of such advanced controllers may be difficult because of their inherent complexity with intelligent and possibly nondeterministic elements. Exhaustive software testing used in current verification and validation (V&V) methods cannot cover the nearly infinite states that can be reached by such advanced algorithms. RTA systems can hold the promise of providing safe engine operations under these types of advanced controllers and NASA Glenn Research Center is interested in the application of RTA methods to expedite the certification process. This paper presents an initial investigation of applying RTA protection to a particular turbofan engine model with an advanced control system. General background on RTA systems is presented next in Sect...