Development of embedded automotive systems has become tremendously complex in recent years. The trend of replacing traditional mechanical systems by modern embedded systems, and the launch of automotive multi-core systems enable deployment of more advanced control strategies. However, these applications require different safety concepts with different levels of criticality; and providing consistency of the safety concept during the entire product lifecycle is a tedious task. Additionally, new automotive safety standards, such as ISO 26262, and the de-facto industry standard AUTOSAR require efficient and consistent product development and tool support. The aim of the presented work is to establish a model-driven system and safety-engineering framework to support the seamless description of safety-critical systems, from requirements at the system level to final component implementation.
Integration von System-, Safety-und Software-Entwicklung im automobilen Umfeld.
Die Komplexität von Embedded Systems im Automobil hat in den letzten Jahren enorm zugenommen. Der Trend, etablierte, mechanische Systeme durch moderne eingebettete Controller zu ersetzen und die Einführung von speziell für