Disentangling the impact of climate change on environmental extremes is of key importance for mitigation and adaptation. Here we present an automated system that unveils the climate change signal of the day in near-real-time, employing a set of innovative storyline simulations based on a coupled climate model. Its potential to complement probabilistic assessments is showcased for storm Boris, which brought record-breaking rainfall over Central and Eastern Europe in September 2024, leading to devastating floods. Our near-real-time storylines suggest that storm Boris deposited about 9% more rain due to human-induced warming. The area impacted by the same storm’s extreme rainfall (>100 mm) was 18% larger and would continue expanding in a future warmer climate. Results from our prototype storyline system are disseminated publicly via an online tool. The case of Storm Boris demonstrates the potential of near-real-time storylines for rapid evidence-based climate change communication.