We consider the reachability problem on transition systems corresponding to succinct one-counter machines, that is, machines where the counter is incremented or decremented by a value given in binary.
PreliminariesWe are interested in reachability problems on transition graphs defined by onecounter machines where:• The counter may take any integer value (including negative values);• The counter is incremented or decremented by binary weights;• Additional transitions are available to the machine if the counter does or does not have value 0.Previous work [1,2] has considered other variations on these initial assumptions. Formally, a transition graph of a one-counter machine (or one-counter graph) is given by a tuple (V, V ∃ , E, E 0 , E =0 , q 0 , w) where V is a finite set of states; V ∃ ⊆ V are the states of Eve (V \ V ∃ are the states of Adam);is the set of edges (de)activated at 0); q 0 ∈ V is the initial state; and w : E → Z is the weight function. The (infinite) unweighted arena defined by such a tuple has:• For every e = (v, v ′ ) ∈ E 0 an edge from (v, 0) to (v ′ , 0), and
Reachability problemsWe are interested in the following reachability problems listed in increasing order of difficulty. They are all known to be in EXPSPACE and EXPTIME-hard. Finite memory strategies suffice for all but parity games.✩ Work supported by ERC inVEST project