First order phase transitions are violent phenomena that occur when the state of the
universe evolves abruptly from one vacuum to another. A direct phase transition connects a
local vacuum to a deeper vacuum of the zero-temperature potential, and the energy difference
between the two minima manifests itself in the acceleration of the bubble wall. In this sense, the
transition is triggered by the release of vacuum energy. On the other hand, an inverse
phase transition connects a deeper minimum of the zero-temperature potential to a higher one, and
the bubble actually expands against the vacuum energy. The transition is then triggered purely by
thermal corrections. We study for the first time the hydrodynamics and the energy budget of
inverse phase transitions. We find several modes of expansion for inverse bubbles, which are
related to the known ones for direct transitions by a mirror symmetry. We finally investigate the
friction exerted on the bubble wall and comment on the possibility of runaway walls in inverse
phase transitions.