Abstract. The process-oriented model PnET-N-DNDC describing biogeochemical cycling of C-and N and N-trace gas fluxes (N20 and NO) in forest ecosystems was tested for its sensitivity to changes in environmental factors (e.g., temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, atmospheric N-deposition, soil characteristics). Sensitivity analyses revealed that predicted N-cycling and N-trace gas emissions varied within measured ranges. For model validation, data sets of N-trace gas emissions from seven different temperate forest ecosystems in the United States, Denmark, Austria, and Germany were used. Simulations of N20 emissions revealed that field observations and model predictions agreed well for both flux magnitude and its seasonal pattern. Differences between predicted and measured mean N20 fluxes were <27%. An exception to this was the N-limited pine stand at Harvard Forest, where predictions of fluxes deviated by 380% from field measurements. This difference is most likely due to a missing mechanism in PnET-N-DNDC describing uptake of atmospheric N20 by soils. PnET-N-DNDC was also validated for its capability to predict NO emission from soils. Predicted and measured mean NO fluxes at three different field sites agreed within a range of +_ 13%. The correlation between modeled and predicted NO emissions from the spruce and beech stand at the H6glwald Forest was r 2 --0.24 (spruce) and r 2 = 0.35 (beech), respectively. The results obtained from both sensitivity analyses and validations with field data sets from temperate forest soils indicate that PnET-N-DNDC can be successfully used to predict N20 and NO emissions from a broad range of temperate forest sites. In view of the huge spatial and temporal variability of environmental conditions in forest ecosystems, it is doubtful that the uncertainties associated with global estimates of N20 and NO source strengths of temperate forest soils will be significantly reduced by additional field measurements alone. We believe the most promising strategy to overcome these problems is the development of process-oriented models, which are able to describe the processes in forest soils involved in N-trace gas production and emission (e.g., mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, plant-microbe competition for inorganic nitrogen) and their dependency on changing environmental conditions. Such models could be used to quantify N-trace gas flux rates from temperate forest soils on a regional and global scale, as has been already demonstrated for agricultural ecosystems of the United States [Li et al., 1996]. In addition, the process of model development highlights data gaps and can suggest areas where field and laboratory studies can focus.In a companion paper [Li et al., this issue] the development and structure of the process-oriented model PnET-N-DNDC is described in detail. This model simulates the cycling of C and 4385