Farrokh co-directs the Systems Realization Laboratory @ OU with his wife Professor Janet K. Allen in Industrial and Systems Engineering. The Allen-Mistree research focus is on collaboratively defining the emerging frontier for the "intelligent" decision-based realization of complex (cyber-physical-social) systems when the computational models are incomplete and inaccurate. Their quest for answers to the key challenges are anchored in five research thrusts, namely, Contextual Assessment of Student Learning through Reflection on Doing Exploiting the Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Rural Development Integrated Realization of Engineered Materials, Products, and Associated Manufacturing Processes Knowledge-Based Dynamic Management of Multi-stage Complex Processes Knowledge-Based Management of Computational Complexity and Risk Knowledge-Based Platform for Decision Support in the Design of Engineered SystemsHis current education focus is on creating and implementing, in partnership with industry, a curriculum for educating strategic engineers-those who have developed the competencies to create value through the realization of complex engineered systems.