The Departmentof Energy (DOE) has prepared an environmental assessment(EA), DOE/EA-0854,for an interim action under the Comprehensive EnvironmentalResponse,Compensation,and LiabilityAct (CERCLA). The proposed action would be conducted at Pit 9, Operable Unit 7-10, located at the SubsurfaceDisposal Area (SDA) of the RadioactiveWaste ManagementComplex (RWMC) at the Idaho National EngineeringLaboratory (INEL). The proposed action consists of constructionof retrieval and processingbuildings, excavationand retrievalof wastes from Pit 9, selectivephysical separation and chemical extraction, and stabilizationof wastes either through thermal processingo_zr by forming a stabilizedconcentrate. The proposed action would involve limited waste treatmentp_.ocesstesting and full-scalewaste treatment processingfor cleaning up pre-1970 Transuranic (TRU)wastes in Pit g.