The magnetization of the four-layer superconductor CuBa2Ca3Cu4O 12−δ with Tc ≃ 117 K is presented. The high-field magnetization around Tc(H) follows the exact two-dimensional scaling function given by Tešanović and Andreev. This feature is contrary to the inference that the interlayer coupling becomes strong if the number of CuO2 planes in a unit cell increases. Also, the fluctuationinduced susceptibility in the low-field region was analyzed by using the modified Lawrence-Doniach model. The effective number of independently fluctuating CuO2 layers per unit cell, g eff , turned out to be ≃ 2 rather than 4, which indicated that two among the four CuO2 layers were in states far from their optimal doping levels. This result could explain why CuBa2Ca3Cu4O 12−δ shows two-dimensional behavior.74.25. Bt, 74.40.+k, 74.72.Jt, 74.72.Gr, Within a high-T c homologous series, the T c is expected to increase with the number of CuO 2 planes per unit cell, n, because an increase in n means an increase in the number of CuO 2 planes per unit volume and thereby increases in the charge-carrier density and the coupling between the conducting planes. In fact, the T c increases with n within a high-T c family. However, this tendency does not persist above a certain value of n. For example, within the HgBa 2 Ca n−1 Cu n O 2n+2+δ family, the T c increases with n up to n = 3, but for n = 4 the value is lower by about 10 K in comparison with the value for n = 3.For compounds with n ≥ 3, the unit cells contain two structurally different CuO 2 planes. In the case of HgBa 2 Ca 3 Cu 4 O 10+δ (Hg-1234), among the four layers, two layers contain Cu with square-planar coordination (Type-A), and the other two contain Cu with pyramidal coordination (Type-B). Yamauchi and Karppinen [1] claimed from their bond-valence-sum (BVS) calculations that the charge carriers can be inhomogeneously distributed between Type-A and Type-B CuO 2 planes and that the holes may be concentrated mainly in the Type-A CuO 2 planes.As a consequence of the inequivalent hole distribution, the "microscopic" T c 's of the Type-A and Type-B planes will differ from each other.[2] The difference between the lower and the higher T c 's becomes severe as the degree of imbalance in the hole distribution increases. Thus, at temperatures around the higher T c , one of the two different kinds of CuO 2 planes does not play the role of a superconducting layer by itself; hence the interlayer spacing in the system can be effectively quite large.In our previous works, [3,4] we demonstrated that in high-field region, the thermal fluctuations of Hg-1234 show two-dimensional (2D) scaling behavior around T c (H). Furthermore, the strong anisotropic nature of this compound as observed through magnetic torque measurements by Zech et al.[5] They reported the anisotropy ratio, γ = λ c /λ ab , of Hg-1234 to be about 52. These results implying a weak interlayer coupling are consistent with our viewpoint that the inequivalent distribution of holes can effectively cause a large interlayer spacing.The a...