Experimental measurements of RD, RD * and R J/Ψ in B → (D, D * )lν and Bc → J/Ψlν decays mediated via b → c l ν charged current interactions deviate from standard model prediction by 2.3σ, 3.4σ and 2σ, respectively. In addition, a deviation of 1.5σ from the standard model prediction has been witnessed in B(B → τ ν) mediated via b → u l ν charged current interactions as well. Motivated by the anomalies present in B and Bc meson decays, we analyze the corresponding Bs → (K, K * ) τ ν and B → πτ ν semileptonic decays within the standard model and beyond. We use an effective field theory formalism in which b → c and b → u semileptonic decays are assumed to exhibit similar new physics patterns. We give the predictions of various observables such as the branching fractions, ratio of branching ratios, lepton side forward backward asymmetry, lepton polarization fraction and convexity parameter for Bs → (K, K * )τ ν and B → πτ ν decay channels within the standard model and within various NP scenarios.